Do you have any of these problems?
I want limited items in Japan, but I can't get them.
I have found an item that I want, but I could not buy.
I don't know how to buy an item from a Japanese store.
No worries!
We are here to help
No inquiry fee
Feel free to contact us
Funny stories.
Some customers requested by email.
( I received these exceptional request.)
You can order anything even if they are not anime items.

Funny story #1
(Special order)
We've got a request.
"I want everything that's in a capsule toy."
We emptied the box of "a capsule toy".
Funny story #2
(Special order)
We've got a request.
"I want you to go to the comic market and do the shopping for me."
We went to Tokyo by airplane and got the items the customer wanted.
Funny story #3
(Special order)
We've got a request.
"I want you to buy a rare item for me on a Japanese auction site."
With pleasure.
It's the field we're best at.
We will get the item for you and ship it smoothly internationally.
Funny story #4
(Special order)
We've got a request.
"I have an item that I want very much.
But it's sold out everywhere.
Can you help me find it?"
With pleasure.
It's also the field we're best at.
We will find it in Japan